Posted by Angela Ferreira on March 28th, 2009
The weather is been fantastically good, so in order to give an art lesson outdoors to the kids and enjoy the sunshine, I have taken them outside in the school playground/pound area for painting.

By dipping a paintbrush in the water pound, and mixing it with soil, you can create beautiful earthy shades, pretty much the same principle as watercolour.
By breaking grass and smudge it on paper you can make a shade of green, and by using a burned wood stick you can create some chalky black. Using only these natural pigmentations from nature you can create 100% organic art on recycled paper.

I have made two organic sketches, one that I prepared at home in my back garden and another one I used for a quick demonstration how it works for the kids.
Here are some of the results:

Age 9



Age 10
For more school art lessons check out my blog at Life of a Mother Artist
More to come…
Posted by Angela Ferreira on October 13th, 2008

Title: Sorrow
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 100×60 cm
Posted by Angela Ferreira on June 15th, 2008

Looking back through the years, I do not remember when I started painting with oils and watercolors… maybe I was about 13. To be honest mostly of I know today has come from my own experiences of try and error.
To me, making a painting was never an issue but something that happens naturally with whatever materials come to my hands. Oils are my favorites, but recently I’ve been painting in a very quick method and found out that a mixture of acrylics, oils, glitter and others mediums work better for my new style.
In the past 3 years I decided to do a Fine Art degree as a nice “add on” to my previous qualifications. To my disappointment, I have learn nothing new but of a chaotic, hypocrite and delusional world from the Art teachers.
If you an artist with already some success and experience I recommend you to aim higher and not to go back to an educational institution. You see, despite your good intentions you setting yourself back and giving your own murder sentence to the chances of being ‘stepped on’ and muffled by the tutors, who also called themselves artists. You must have no previous artistic experience because no matter how you try to please and befriend this so called “artist teachers” you will always be seen as a threat rather than a student.
Unfortunately we live in a world that demands all this qualifications to be taken seriously. I have learned from my own mistakes, maybe because I was a bit naïve, full of dreams and hopes that a new qualification would push my career further, but realize that I brought this to myself to the point I had nothing but verbal abuse, bullying, harassment, intimidation and discrimination from lecturers. In the end I felt from as high I dreamed and have gain nothing but a new pretty BA words in my cv and an awful demoralizing experience I must rather forget!

More new painting in my redesigned website
Posted by Angela Ferreira on March 2nd, 2008
After some research in the private art market, I came to conclusion that the most profitable works are commissioned portraits. My dilemma was how I could make contemporary portraits that would be in the ultimate fashion, to meet the taste of the possible new generation clientele? My concern was also not to fall within the ‘so boring’ repeatable or traditional portrait style methods but to offer something new, exiting and creative.
I made an absolutely big research into black and white photography (forever in style), interior design, cat walk color trends, women magazines and lady’s shop windows.
These ‘new age’ portraits are in a style that I am willing to explore further. I have worked from real photos of myself and female friends, in high contrasting tones; adding hair extensions, exaggerating eyelashes, bighting clothes and painting them sexier than ever…
They offer a post-photography period, where the real pictures, each one of them are transformed into an individual piece of art for your eyes only. Enjoy!

more… »
Posted by Angela Ferreira on December 5th, 2007
Recently I came to realize that depending on the meaning of a painting, a new style of painting arises… I have discovered that my love for painting the perfect beauty and fantasy since childhood was always an escape to reality that has helped me throughout the years.
However, when I attempt to express my fears another rather darker and psychological style arises as if, another personality or pseudonym takes over.
This painting is called ‘The Verdict’’ and is about my feelings of academic anxiety and often discrimination.

The Verdict, oil on canvas
more… »
Posted by Angela Ferreira on November 12th, 2007

Virginalis sancta frequentia
Hinc virginalis sancta frequentia,
Gertrudis, Agnes, Prisca, Cecilia,
Lucia, Petronilla, Tecla,
Agatha, Barbara, Juliana,
Multeque quarum nomina non lego.
aut lecta nunc his addere negligo,
dignas Deo quas fecit esse
integritas anime fidesque.
Tali magistra vel duce praevia
abominantes terrea gaudia,
in carne praeter carnis usum
angelicam tenuere vitam.
He pervagantes prata recentia
pro velle querunt serta decentia,
rosas legentes passionis
lilia vel violas amoris.
Posted by Angela Ferreira on October 28th, 2007

Title: Punica Malum
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 78×170 cm

Title: Profanum
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 60×45 cm