Sculptures on the campus of Michigan State University cater to different tastes.
I am taking lessons in Throwing Off My Chains. (Andromeda by Anthony Frudakis)
a multi-disciplinary dialog
Sculptures on the campus of Michigan State University cater to different tastes.
I am taking lessons in Throwing Off My Chains. (Andromeda by Anthony Frudakis)
Germany is celebrating Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907), an important representative of early expressionism, on the 100th anniversary of her death. From 1906 to 1907, she painted nude self-portraits, at that time an unprecedented opus by a female painter.
Her work inspired me to compare female nudity seen through her eyes in 1906/07 to those painted by males between 1918 and 1570 – Modigliani, Gauguin, Renoir and Tintoretto.
I. Amedeo Clemente Modigliani (1918) Paula Modersohn-Becker (1906) more… »
Art blogging has gotten a lot of attention recently. Please chime in with your perspectives, comments, gripes, etc.
Here, I am comparing some of Steve’s responses yesterday here on A&P to Arthur’s responses on ‘Thinking eye’.
My summary (hopefully, lacking misinterpretation) may serves as an illustration of the different virtues of (1) a team blog and (2) a blog of one individual.
“If you come to a fork in the road, take it”, David recently quoting Yogi Berra.
How can I prepare for such a change in direction while avoiding mishaps? Friends of mine, relocating to new jobs, suffered minor strokes and a bout of pancreatitis. This is the advice offered in the current Yoga journal:
“Once you find your center, you can move in new directions”.
My friend Tolla from San Francisco came visiting the Dunes. Driving to the Lakeshore, he alerted me to a hawk. At the beach, I started doing my usual thing, imaging textures of sand, water and sky
Continuing the tradition started by Steve,
I invite further comments to Mary Scriver’s comment #9.3 to yesterday’s post Local Art Blog
It is in the interests of the art galleries, museums, and other institutions to keep artists separated from patrons. Don’t ask them to be the go-betweens. Also, their goal is status, “society,” class, fashion, etc. all things that can corrupt and possibly destroy artists.