My most recent post concerned a purge, as I am consigning a number of objects to memory.

Objects over which I have lavished attention are getting the heave ho. We recently discussed the purgative benefits of doing this kind of thing, and I must say that it can take on a momentum as I have had to restrain myself from throwing out the entire body of work.

But this episode is not so much an exercise in destruction, as it is of transition; whatever experience gained will be used.

I had mentioned that it was time to read a novel and my wife handed me Speaker of the Dead by Orson Card. The theme of the story is largely that of redemption as the main character seeks to atone for past deeds. Thoughts of this were settling into my mind as I was tossing plaster. While contemplating my rubble field I could imagine a seedling reaching up from it. I was already embarked upon the next phase, which involves the substitution of an “ic” for an “er”: plastic rather than plaster, and had a few things lying about. I placed one on the heap.

It is hard to read the tableau as a message of hopeful rebirth, as the introduced object seems more like a virus emerging from a ruined cell. So much for sentimentality.


We talk about cross pollination a lot. Do you have any new examples of your own to share?