Françesca’s fifth birthday is coming up in March.

Karl: Who do you want to see your drawings?

Fran: All the people from the whole world, and also grandma and grandpa.

Karl: What is this?

Fran: A pig, a green pig with gold and gray.

Karl: Why did you make this?

Fran: For you, papa.

Karl: But why?

Fran: Because.

Karl: What is this?

Fran: That is a little heart.

Karl: Why did you make this?

Fran: Also for you.

Karl: But why?

Fran: I just did it, I don’t know why. There is also brown in it. It’s not so easy to see.

Karl: What is this?

Fran: I don’t know.

Karl: Why did you make it?

Fran: What? Don’t speak in English.

Karl: Sorry, why did you make this?

Fran: I made it for you.

Karl: What is this?

Fran: Funny. That is a little man named Nino.

Karl: Is that your brother?

Fran: Yeah, my little baby brother.

Karl: Why did you make this?

Fran: Because.

Karl: What is the other stuff?

Fran: Flowers.

Karl: And?

Fran: A hat. And a little man, and a butterfly and hearts.