Art and Perception is being visited by more and more people, presumably looking for thought-provoking conversations about art. Many of them come back for more(!), so by that measure we’re creating interesting content. And when I say we, I’m counting commenters as well as post contributors. The comments are, in fact, the life-blood of the site, in my opinion.

So it may be time to think about ways to make more of the most interesting content more easily accessible to everyone. That would require some change to the site, so everyone’s input is needed, including any readers who haven’t posted or even commented before. We do have a category system, which could use some work to improve its visibility and usefulness. But that seems to work better for narrow topic areas, whereas people coming to the site may be more interested in some diversity and serendipity potential within broad topic areas. Think of a well-honed medium like newspapers with sections for main news, local news, sports, classifieds, etc.

So to give us something specific to consider, I’m throwing out the following very tentative proposal. Possible broad topic areas might be:

Painting | Drawing | Photography | The Arts | Artist’s Life | Notable

They could be presented this way under the blog title, each being a link to a set of posts, presented like an archive list. Selecting posts to include under each heading could be done by a rotating editor who would receive suggestions from anyone. Or there could be such an editor for each topic. Or each “editor” could be a team of two or more. Other arrangements are possible and your ideas are invited.

I had fun looking over the posts in the last month or so, thinking of where they might be placed. Here’s what I came up with in a quick first pass as my recommendations:


Juxtaposition (art about art part II)
Purple grapes (continued)


New pencil drawings
Figure Drawing from Imagination


Please Move On
To dance or to photograph?

The Arts

Chatting among the frames – art that talks to art
Isn’t Criticism a ridiculous stupidity?

Artist’s Life



Visualization aids in the artistic process: an experiment
Words of Artists

Well, what think you on’t? Would something like this be a good addition to A&P? If so, are we ready for it? I would like to hear your comments, refinements, topic ideas (especially a better whatever topic than miscellaneous or notable) or counter-proposals.