From The art of looking sideways, by Alan Fletcher. Quotes are by the author, unless otherwise noted.
Gold mining consists of sifting three tons of rubbish for each ounce of gold extracted.
It’s always better to be looked over than overlooked.
-Mae West
The man who can’t visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot.
-Andre Breton
Thinking is drawing in your head.
Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.
-G. K. Chesterton
Love the Breton quote.
I must be an idiot because all I can manage is a pig on a pumpkin.
A slug on a gnu?
Mae West and WC Fields in movies at the New Yorker on Broadway in the sixties, my introduction to the US.
‘Peal me a grape’ and ‘children are like elephants, nice to look at but you wouldn’t want to own them’.
Were you old enough to reach the ticket counter?
A whale on a snail.
I love the Breton quote too… I think it works well for my paintings too!