
Who are some of the role models in NYC? One giant on the art scene is Kara Walker, Professor at the School of the Arts, Columbia University. Using silhouette images, she depicts tribal warfare in the Antebellum South in United States History. Other example of places with tribal warfare were or are Ireland, Kosovo, Darfur, Kenia.

HORROR! Tribal warfare


Another giant is Jacob Collins, founder of the Grand Central Academy of Art: ‘Combining a technique reminiscent of the nineteenth-century American realists with a freshness of vision scarcely encountered among today’s traditional painters, Collins’ works form that rarest of unions where classic beauty and striking originality meet as harmonious equals’.

BACK TO BEAUTY? – Classical Anatomy


Two examples of art, one expressing the dynamic, the other one, the static. There are questions that come to mind.

Depicting tribal warfare in the context of the Antebellum South has been a successful venture for more than a decade. Will the terrific dynamic energy still be expressed as paper silhouettes portraying tribal warfare in decades to come, perhaps involving other ethnic groups?

Isn’t a hunched over thinking person a cliche? Will the human anatomy further be expressed as static form or will it evolve to express what anatomists and trainers are now thinking about – functional movement, mindful movement?