Much of this molten electricity passing for a lake has been by Birgit’s dunes. Quickened by her lament about passed opportunities, we made our way this evening to the headlands.

This image barely captures a brief interlude as the sun rests upon the horizon and the water becomes a great shimmering expanse. An air of reverence descends upon the beach.
I would imagine that much the same happens in Michigan.
Great capture of the shimmering lake and the peace at the end of the day! You are responsible for our evening light.
Most of my shooting, so far, has been in the mornings. Which brings back the memory of a sunrise over the Atlantic ocean viewed from a beachfront room with Karl and George, more than 2 decades ago. Perhaps, this reminiscence of earlier time will make it easier to pass the threshold for investing in a 35 mm scanner. I would be able to scan negatives from even earlier days, showing George teaching the kids how to fish!
Helped by thinking about Steve’s comment, I don’t view my summer laden with missed opportunities. Some of it was spent laying fallow, unlearning! Some of it was spent cleaning up – trashing Gigabytes of memory. Early mornings, I learned to see light shimmering through leaves, inspired by Steve’s images of the Sourdough Trail.
And then there were a few moments of being at the right place at the right time. One day, bored with taking my mother to sit on a comfortable bench at the village beach, I took her to the country beach, where she, the good sport that she is, sat in the sand, leaning her bad back against a slope, while I wandered off. That day, I discovered about pitcher thistles right when they were at bloom. And, one of the two mornings that I imaged stones, huge carps were thrashing, spawning, right in front of me.
The beginning of the day and the end of the day – between us, we capture the marvelous light at the Great Lakes.
Minus the bird and the post, a veritable Rothko. Some of my clearest visual memories are of swimming in the Pacific in such light. The water is blue and orange and silver as mercury at the same time. I have a few slides from those days, but I haven’t seen them in many years, and possibly never will again. Though I do expect to swim there again!
The term ‘firewater’ comes to mind to describe the effect.