Looking for imaginative interpretations of perspective by Vincent van Gogh, I came across his Still Life with Plaster Statuette, a Rose and Two Novels. It reminded of someone else’s still life posted earlier on A&P that was critiqued for grapes that seemed to be sliding of an underlying cloth.

I love Two Women Crossing the Fields because of how the women are integrated into the flow of the landscape.


Finally, I found what I was looking for – Vincent’s Bedroom in Arles,

…to be suggestive here of rest or of sleep in general. In a word, looking at the picture ought to rest the brain, or rather the imagination.


In his letter 554, van Gogh further wrote that

The shadows and the cast shadows are suppressed; it is painted in free flat tints like the Japanese prints. It is going to be a contrast to, for instance, the Tarascon diligence and the night café.

Here is The Night Cafe in the Place Lamartine in Arles.


Do you have any comments on VVG’s use of perspective and shadings?